A Partial List of People Important to Software History
Here’s a list of people who made significant contributions to the creation and growth of the software products industry. We know it’s not complete and look forward to adding other names.
Please note that, for now, we’re focusing on people who contributed to the development of the industry prior to the advent of personal computers. That means people who were active in the mainframe and minicomputer software industry prior to 1985. A portion of this list was first published in Software Magazine, Vol 9., No. 4 (March Extra, 1989).
Some of the names on the list are followed by an asterisk (" * "). That means that we do not have current contact information for that person.
Charles Bachman
Invented database technology in the early 1960s
John Backus
Developed FORTRAN for IBM (1954)
Walt Bauer
Co-founded Informatics, the company which sold Mark IV, the first million dollar software product, in 1962
Bob Bemer
One of the developers of COBOL and the ASCII naming standard for IBM (1960s); inventor of the ESCape sequence, the universal switching mechanism for all computer-controlled communications; inventor of the Picture clause
Jack Berdy
Founded On-Line Software International in 1968; introduced first CICS test/debug tool
Mike Blair
Founded Cyborg Systems in 1974
Fred Brooks, Jr.
Managed the development of the 360 operating system software for IBM (1960s); wrote The Mythical Man-Month about software project management
Walter Brown
Co-founder of Atlantic Software (1968); principal contributor to Informatics accounting packages
Richard Carpenter
Founded Index Technology to deliver Case tools in 1983
Glenn Chatfield
Founded Duquesne Systems to provide productivity tools for IBM systems in 1970
Aubrey Chernick
Founded Candle Corp. in 1977; developed Omegamon, first realtime performance monitor for MVS
Dr. E. F. Codd
Inventor of relational database theory in the 1970s
Gerald Cohen
Designed early non-procedural language; founded Information Builders in 1975
Bruce Coleman
CEO or interim CEO of more than a dozen software companies, including Boole & Babbage (1971-1975 and 1985-1986) and Walker Interactive (1985)
Larry Constantine
Invented data flow diagrams, presented first paper on concepts of structured design in 1968
Bob Cook
Founded VM Software to develop software for IBM VM in 1981
Rick Crandall
Founded Comshare, one of the early time-sharing companies, in 1966; it later became a software company selling executive support software
John Cullinane
Founded Cullinane Corp., which sold the IDMS database system, in 1968; it was the first software product company to go public (in 1978)
Peter Cunningham
Founded INPUT, one of the first market research firms to focus on the software and software products market, in 1974
Robert Daniels
Founded PDSI which sold project management software in 1968
Tom DeMarco
Case methodology pioneer, author and consultant in the 1970s
Wilfred J. Dixon *
Managed the Health Sciences Computing Facility at UCLA which began distributing the BMD statistical software in 1962.
Frank Dodge
Co-founded McCormack & Dodge which sold accounting software in 1969
Sherman Drusin *
Established U.S. operations for CGI and Cap Gemini in the mid-1980s
David Duffield
Founded Integral Systems in 1972 and PeopleSoft in 1987.
Gary Durbin
Founded Tesseract in 1970; designed online, realtime personnel system
James Edenfield
Left MSA to form American Software, Inc. in 1970
Larry Ellison
Co-founded Oracle Corp in 1977; pioneered relational DBMS
Dave Ferguson *
Author, in the late 60's, of PI-Sort, the first software product successfully sold against a free IBM sort program
Werner Frank
Co-founded Informatics, the company which sold Mark IV, the first million dollar software product, in 1962
Marty Goetz
Co-founded Applied Data Research (ADR) in 1959; received the first software patent in 1968
Bernie Goldstein
Founded Broadview Associates (1970s), the first investment banking firm to focus on software industry mergers and acquisitions
Dr. James Goodnight
Co-founded SAS Institute in 1976; developer of the SAS System
Burt Grad
One of the members of the IBM team which developed the plan for unbundling software from hardware in 1969
Herb Grosch
Director in 1960 of the U.S. government’s Center for Computer Science and Technology (now called NIST, National Institute of Standards and Technology)
Dr. Larry Harris
Founded AICorp in 1975; developed AI-based natural language technology
Peter Harris
Founded ADPAC Corporation in 1963
Robert Head
Founded Software Resources Corporation in 1967 to repackage and market software developed by users
Harris Herman
Founded Software Module Marketing in 1974. It was the first acquisition made by Sterling Software.
Richard Hill *
Co-founded Informatics, the company which sold Mark IV, the first million dollar software product, in 1962
Grace Hopper (deceased)
Naval officer and computer scientist who developed FLOW-MATIC, the first business-oriented programming language; conceived the idea of a programming language based on English which led to the development of COBOL
Bill Hoover
President of Computer Sciences Corp. (CSC) from 1964 to 1995. Founded in 1959, it ultimately became a multi-billion dollar company
Dr. Jean Ichbiah
Principal designer, Ada language (1977)
John Imlay
In 1971, became CEO of Management Science America (MSA), the first applications software supplier to exceed $100M in annual revenues
Ken Iverson
Invented APL in 1962
Doug Jerger
Co-founder of Fortex, started on 4/1/70 (April Fool's Day), an early accounting software products company targeting large companies with mainframe computers
Luanne James Johnson
Founded Argonaut Information Systems to sell payroll and accounts payable software in 1971
Fletcher Jones (deceased)
Co-founder of Computer Sciences Corp. (CSC) in 1959; one of the initiators of SHARE and the SHARE Operating System (SOS)
Capers Jones
Developed first large-scale estimating package for IBM (1972)
Dr. Kirk Jones *
Pioneered business planning software; principal designer of IFPS (1975)
Peter Karmanos
Founded Compuware in 1973; developer of IBM systems software, along with Thomas Thewes,
Allen B. Cutting
David Katch (deceased)
Co-founded Boole & Babbage in 1967; pioneered performance management software
John Keane
Founded Keane, Inc. in 1965
Lee Keet
Co-founded turnkey systems, inc., which sold Taskmaster, one of the first telecommunications monitors, in 1967
John Kemeny (deceased)
Invented BASIC in 1964
Ken Kolence
Co-founded Boole & Babbage in 1967, the first systems software product company in Silicon Valley; pioneered performance management software; was one of the 50 people invited by NATO in 1968 to found the field of Software Engineering
Elmer Kubie (deceased)
Founded Computer Usage Company, the world’s first computer software company, with John W. Sheldon in March, 1955
Thomas Kurtz
Invented BASIC in 1964
Sandra Kurtzig
Founded Ask Computer Systems in 1971; introduced first multiterminal mini-based MRP system
John Landry Led McCormick & Dodge development team in release of Millennium environment (1983)
Senator Frank R. Lautenberg
One of the three founding partners of Automatic Data Processing, Inc.; served in the U.S. Senate (D-NJ) from 1982 to 2001
Dale Learn
Co-founded Information Science, Inc. (InSci), which sold payroll and human resources software, in 1965
Charles Lecht (deceased)
Pioneered compiler technology, founded Advanced Computer Techniques in 1962
Dave Lowry
Founded Data Design Associates to sell accounts payable software in 1973.
Mike Lyons
Software re-engineering pioneer; co-founded Catalyst Corp. in 1979
Carl Machover
Pioneer in graphics and image processing techniques and consultant to CAD and CAM companies
John Maguire
Founded Software AG in 1971; it sold the Adabas database system in the U.S.
Harry Markowitz
In the early 1960s, co-founded California Analysis Centers, Inc. (CACI) which developed Symscript, one of the earliest software products
James Martin
Founded Information Engineering approach
John McCarthy
Developed LISP language in 1958
Jim McCormack (deceased)
Co-founded, in 1969, McCormack & Dodge which sold accounting software
Dan McCracken
Early application programmer and author of numerous best-selling books on Fortran, COBOL and other languages
Dave McFarland *
Founded Ryan-McFarland in 1970; developed COBOL and Fortran tools
Ed McVaney
Co-founded J. D. Edwards in 1977
Thomas Merrill *
Founded Computer Corp. of America in 1965
Bob Miner (deceased)
Co-founded Oracle Corp. in 1977; pioneered relational DBMS
John J. Moores
Founded BMC Software in 1980
Gary Morgenthaler
Pioneered relational DBMS market in the 1970s; while at UC/Berkeley, developed Ingres; co-founded Relational Technology
Mario Morino
Founded Morino Associates (1973) which became Legent Corp.
Carole Morton
Software designer; led Dykalor information management system development team (1975)
Boyd Munro *
Co-founded SDI to market a spooling package for IBM DOS in 1968
Thomas Newberry *
Left MSA to form American Software, Inc. in 1970
Bill Newcomer
Founded Dylakor (1968) which sold an information management system for IBM mainframes
Bob Newman
Co-founded J.D. Edwards in 1977
Paul Newton *
Uccel development engineer, senior VP, Systems Development Division (1968-1987)
Norman Nie
Pioneered statistical analysis programming in 1965; founded SPSS (1975)
Tom Nies
Founded Cincom Systems, which sells the TOTAL database system, in 1968
Roy Nutt (deceased)
Co-founder of Computer Sciences Corp. (CSC) in 1959
Tom O'Rourke (deceased)
Founded Tymshare, one of the earliest timesharing companies, in 1965
Ken Orr
Founded Ken Orr & Assoc.; developed Case methodology in the 1970s
Peter Pagé
Developed Software AG’s Natural, pioneered 4GLS (1979)
Joe Piscopo
Founded Pansophic Systems (1969) which sold the PANVALET, a source program and change management system, and EASYTRIEVE, a report writer and data retrieval product; both PANVALET and EASYTRIEVE were installed at more than 10,000 mainframe computer sites
Jim Porter
Executive at United Systems Int’l (1970) and then at Informatics for insurance applications and the MARK IV product line
John Postley
Developed Mark IV (1967), the first million dollar software product, for Informatics
Dr. Leon Presser
Founded Softool Corp. in 1977; developed source program management tool for IBM mainframes
Merle Proulx
Author of Uccel’s DB4 DBMS and UCC COBOL (1974)
Douglas Ross Developed Automatically Programmed Tools (1958), paving the way for computer-aided manufacturing
Ken Ross
Founded Ross Systems in 1972 to develop application software for DEC VAX systems
Dr. James B. Rothrie *
Developed distributed database technology at Computer Corp. of America (1976)
Lawrence Rowe
Pioneered relational DBMS market in the 1970s; while at UC/Berkeley, developed Ingres; co-founded Relational Technology
Don Ryan (deceased)
Founded Ryan-McFarland in 1970; developed COBOL and Fortran tools
John Sall
Co-founded SAS Institute in 1976; developer of the SAS System
Jean Sammet
Early language compiler programmer; author of outstanding book on history of computer languages
Oscar Schachter
Attorney for and then president of ACT, producers of major systems programs for various manufacturers
Peter Schnell *
Co-developed Software AG’s Adabas DBMS in 1969
Larry Schoenberg
Co-founder, in 1967, of AGS, a software professional services firm, which expanded into software products and distribution during the late 1970s and 1980s
Dr. Harold Schwenk, Jr. *
Founded BGS Systems in 1975; developed performance management, capacity planning tools
J. Gregory Siemon *
Father of DASD technology, wrote first DASD management program; founded Tower Systems International (1972)
Roger J. Sippl
Founded Informix in 1980; developed DBMS application tools
Michael Stonebraker
Pioneered relational DBMS market in the 1970s; while at UC/Berkeley, developed Ingres; co-founded Relational Technology
Aso Tavitian
Co-founded Syncsort in 1969
Dick Thatcher
Co-founded Atlantic Software (1968) which sold project management software
Jack van Kinsberger *
Member of IBM’s 360 operating system design team in 1967; technical VP at Boole & Babbage
Frank Wagner
Co-founded Informatics, the company which sold Mark IV, the first million dollar software product, in 1962
Jeff Walker
Founded Walker Interactive Systems in 1971
Charles Wang
Founded Computer Associates (1975), first software company to exceed $500M
Bill Watson *
Founded Software International to sell general ledger software (early 1970s)
Bob Weissman
President of National CSS when it was acquired by Dun & Bradstreet; subsequently became President of D&B
Larry Welke
Founded the ICP Quarterly, a catalog of software products, first published in January, 1967
Duane Whitlow Developed Syncsort in the late 1960s to compete with IBM's sort and other sort programs
Hugh Williams (deceased)
One of the members of the IBM team which developed the plan for unbundling software from hardware in 1969
Sterling Williams
Co-founded Sterling Software in 1981
Eugene Wong
Pioneered relational DBMS market in the 1970s; while at UC/Berkeley, developed Ingres; co-founded Relational Technology
Sam Wyly
Co-founded and financed Sterling Software in 1981
Ed Yourdon
Developed the concept of structured programming, Case methodologies (1976)
July 19, 2008
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